Response and Preparedness Solution


Assisting organizations to minimize the business impact of cyberattacks
In the contemporary business landscape, cyber threats have become an undeniable reality, requiring organizations to fortify their defenses and establish robust crisis response mechanisms. Unikomm's expertise lies in assisting organizations to minimize the business impact of cyberattacks through a swift and coordinated response, enhancing regulatory and public perception, and empowering senior executives with enhanced capabilities.

Diagnosing Preparedness: Unikomm collaborates with clients to assess and diagnose their preparedness for potential cyber threats. By conducting comprehensive evaluations, we identify vulnerabilities and gaps in the existing cybersecurity framework.

Crisis Response Training: We engage organizational leadership in tailored crisis response training programs. This ensures that key decision-makers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in the event of a cyber crisis.

Crisis Playbook and Nerve Center: Unikomm assists in crafting a detailed crisis playbook, outlining step-by-step response procedures. Additionally, we help establish a dedicated "nerve center" that acts as a governance hub, defining responsibilities and ensuring a coordinated response.

Why Cyber Resilience Matters:

As cyber threats continue to escalate in volume and complexity, the repercussions of a cyberattack extend far beyond the immediate disruption of business operations. Intellectual property loss, compromised customer data, and other sensitive information put the entire organization at risk, leading to severe financial and reputational damages.

Unikomm’s Approach

Immediate Response Services: In the aftermath of a cyber breach, Unikomm's Cyber Security practice provides immediate response services. Our professionals, well-versed in investigations, digital forensics, and recovery, secure evidence, understand the incident, mitigate risks, and support internal, legal, and law enforcement inquiries.

Holistic Adaptive Strategy: Unikomm views cybersecurity not as a one-time project but as a holistic, adaptive strategy aligned with your business goals. Our focus is on delivering long-term value, enabling you to operate confidently in a digital world.

Specialized Services:

Incident Response Readiness: Enhance your organization's incident readiness and response capabilities, ensuring a swift and effective response in the event of a security incident.

Digital Investigations and Remediation: Conduct forensic analysis and detailed investigations post-breach to understand the incident's nature, root cause, and involved parties.

Threat Intelligence: Prioritize assets, identify threats and vulnerabilities, and assess organizational impact to proactively secure critical information assets.

Data Identification and Remediation: Leverage technology to securely manage confidential data, identify redundant, obsolete, and trivial data (ROT), and make informed decisions.

Unikomm Digital Responder: Automate common forensic triage tasks for a timely and consistent response, increasing effectiveness and efficiency in handling cyber incidents.

Unikomm stands as your strategic partner, fortifying your cyber resilience and empowering your organization to navigate the complexities of the digital era with confidence.
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© 2024 Unikomm
Aleja Solidarności 117, 00-140 Warsaw, Poland
UK Address:
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ